To explore new physics phenomena of low dimensional materials
with a special emphasis on two-dimensional layered structures
1059 |
Mirror Symmetry breaking for disentangling orbital and spin dynamics Byung Cheol Park [2023 KMS Summer Conference, Jeju, Jeju Shinhwa World, Korea (2023-May 26-)] Invited speaker |
1058 |
Unraveling the surface self-reconstruction of Fe-doped NiPS3 for efficient oxygen evolution reaction Yo Seob Won‡a, Balakrishnan Kirubasankar ‡ab, Soo Ho Choi ac , Jae Woo Kima , Laud Anim Adofob , Soo Min Kim , Ki Kang Kim [132nd General meeting of the Korean Chemical Society (2023-October 25)] Poster |
1057 |
Coherent phonon spectroscopy in low-dimensional materials KIM Ji-Hee [2023 Optical Society of Korea (2023-February 15-)] Invited speaker |
1056 |
Atomic sawtooth surface: A growth platform for large-scale single-crystal van der Waals layered materials Soo Ho Choi [Compound Semiconductor Week2023 (2023-June 01-)] oral |
1055 |
Band structure engineering in WS2/Au Moire surface Jeong Won Jin, Bumsub Song, Soo Ho Choi, Young Hee Lee,Ki Kang Kim, ,Yong Jae Song [The 4th International Workshop on Scanning Probe Microsvopy (2023-August 28-)] Poster |
1054 |
Short-wavelength infrared photodetection in MoS2 HONG Chengyun ,OH Sae-jin, DAT Vu Khac, KIM Ji-Hee [2023 KPS Spring Meeting, Daejeon Convention Center, Korea (2023-Apr, 19-)] Poster |
1053 |
Real-space visualization of Spin Dynamis with Terahertz Polarimetric Imaging Taewoo Ha [The 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics(APNFO 14), Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea (2023-Jun. 22)] Invited speaker |
1052 |
Terahertz polarimetric imaging for spin dynamics Taewoo Ha, Byung Cheol Park [2023 KPS Spring Meeting, Daejeon Convention Center, Korea (2023-Apr. 20-)] Invited speaker |