To explore new physics phenomena of low dimensional materials
with a special emphasis on two-dimensional layered structures
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`Toward Soft Electronics with Carbon Nanotubes and Graphen` Young Hee Lee [The KIEEME Annual Summer Conference 2013, The Ocean Resort, Korea P.3 -Plenary Speaker - (2013-June 19-)] Plenary Speaker |
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`Observing graphene grain boundary by optical microscopy` Young Hee Lee [Frontiers of Nanochemistry-2013, Peking Universtiy, China P.20 (2013-June 5~7-)] Invited Speaker |
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`Graphen and Carbon nanotubes in electronics` Young Hee Lee [7th Korean Graphene Research Society Symposium, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Korea Keynote Speaker (2013-May 31-)] Keynote Speaker |
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`Silicon-Coated Carbon Nanofiber Mat for Anode of Lithium Ion Battery` Fei Yao, Young Hee Lee [IMAGINENANO2013-Graphene2013, Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Spain P.58 - Oral - (2013-April 23~26, 2013-)] Oral |
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`The enhancement of neuronal cells wound healing with non-contact electric field stimulation by graphene electrodes` Sohee Lee, Chaejeong Heo, Si Young Lee, Young Hee Lee, Minah Suh [SPIE 2013 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, ICC JEJU, Korea P.54 (2013-Feb. 20~23-)] Poster |
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`Mapping of intracellular iron using hyperspectral fluorescence imaging in a cellular model of parkinson disease` Eung Seok Oh, Chaejeong Heo, Young Hee Lee, Jong Min Kim [SPIE 2013 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, ICC JEJU, Korea P.53 (2013-Feb. 20~23-)] Poster |
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`Observing graphene grain boundary by optical microscopy` Young Hee Lee [ISPlasma2013, Nagoya University, Japan - Keynote Speaker - (2013-Jan. 28~Feb. 1-)] Keynote Speaker |
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`SiC formation on carbon nanotube surface for improving wettability with aluminum` Kang Pyo So, Jun Cheol Jeong, Jong Gil Park, Hyoen Ki Park, Yong Ho Choi, Dong Hwan Noh, Dong Hoon Keum, Hye Yun Jeong, Chandan Biswas, Chan Ho Hong and Young Hee Lee [18th Nanotube/Thermoelectricity Workshop, High 1 Resort, Korea P.101 - Award for Poster Presentation - (2013-Jan. 6~8-)] Poster |